Pine Needle Juice for Vitamin C & Sulfur


Pine needles are a magical medicine that happens to grow for FREE, EVERYWHERE, ALL YEAR LONG!  They one of nature’s highest sources of Vitamin C with approximately 300 times more Vitamin C then oranges!  Vitamin C is essential for boosting immunity and fighting infection and is great to protect yourself during the winter months.  Many of the Vitamin C supplements sold at the store are actually ascorbic acid (read the ingredient label to find out and see for yourself) which is SYNTHETIC vitamin C and can cause kidney stones with long term use.

Pine needles are also one of nature’s highest sources of Sulfur which is known as the BEAUTY mineral!  Nearly ALL humans are deficient in Sulfur.  Sulfur is ANTI-AGING and prevents wrinkles, repairs damaged skin, and regrows collagen!  In large amounts Sulfur can quickly reverse the aging process and give a youthful appearance.  Again, most stores will sell you SYNTHETIC sulfur such as MSM.  Yes, there are non-synthetic forms, but the most natural, safe and effective is found un-processed in nature, in its original form such as Pine Needles!  And guess what?  They are FREE!

I also protect my children during the winter months by infusing their baby milk with Pine Needle juice.  My 4 year old Rosalie, who recently started full-time at daycare, during the winter months, came home with an ear infection.  The pine needle juice killed the infection, and the pain was completely gone in less then 4 hours.  This is what I use instead of pharmaceutical drugs.  And it more then works 😉

I personally fasted on pine needle juice, living Free on wild herb juice for 3 weeks, and I have never felt so healthy and high in my life!  Consistent energy the entire time!  And damn, I felt so beautiful on the inside and out.

If you want to make pine needle juice, then I don’t recommend the juicer OR brewing it on the stove.  You don’t get as much out of it.  I recommend blending it with some water inside a high power blender and straining it through a nut milk bag.  To learn how, check out my video!  Enjoy 🙂

Palm Sunday 

So my confession is this:

I partook in the ritual fasting of Lent this year. I accepted the sacrament on Ash Wednesday, and that was the last time I’ve eaten any food since Feb 19th.  Palm Sunday marks the beginning of my final week of fasting. 

I embarked on this ritual journey with the intention of Healing my body and mind. I have began this transformation to purify my spirit and wash away the transgressions of the past. I am Not a religious person. But I am Spiritual.  And I Believe with perfect Faith in this process. The attainment of my ideal is inevitable. 

So for the past 40 days, I have been Juice Fasting/ Feasting. I have stayed away from sweet fruits and the bulk of my juice is cucumber with celery & lemon. Recently I started incorporating some green apples with seeds.  I have also allowed coconut water because of its healing properties. 

I honor this Palm Sunday with a ritual twist of my own. With the celebration of The Palm Tree. This Tree of Life provides everything anyone could need for optimal life. Coconuts provide water, meat & milk, the Dates provide all our minerals, nutrients & carbohydrates, and The Tree itself can be used as lumber to make homes. A gift of pure love from the earth. 

We are Blessed & Grateful for the food we are about to receive from the Mother of Palm, herself.  Here’s to you, Palm Sunday!

Palm Tree Sunday Cocktail:


Coconut Water


1 Tbsp Coconut Meat

1-2 Tbsp Hemp Seeds

1 Celery stick for more electrolytes

1 tsp Irish Moss seaweed powder

Spring Water

Blend in high for about 2 minutes. Make sure the Dates are pitted first!  Use less coconut meat and more hemp seeds if you want lower fat.  Strain mixture through a nut milk bag! This is a healthy, creamy, milky sweet delight from God!  

Happy Palm Sunday!